Centers Within the University
Bunkyo Gakuin University is home to a number of specialized centers that have been established to enable students to delve deeper into their subjects in the undergraduate faculties and in graduate school. These centers include the International Programs Office, which provides support for study abroad participants and the Community Cooperation Center, which collects and provides information regarding volunteer activities.
The International Programs Office
The International Programs Office is responsible for the formulation of the international exchange policies for the undergraduate faculties of Bunkyo Gakuin University and Bunkyo Gakuin College and also for the coordination of the international exchange activities between undergraduate faculties. In addition, the office is responsible for promoting learning and cultural exchanges between Bunkyo Gakuin University and many other institutions of learning and education overseas. In order to further enhance education and research, the undergraduate faculties of Bunkyo Gakuin University and Bunkyo Gakuin College have established an International Exchange Committee, which is responsible for the following duties:

Working to reach agreements about exchange programs with overseas universities
Planning and managing the various overseas study programs
Supporting students who will be participating in study programs overseas (assisting these students with the procurement of scholarships, stipends, etc.)
At both the Hongo and the Fujimino campuses, students can get help from the International Programs Office. The offices serve as a meeting place for the international exchange committee of each faculty, which performs the following duties:
Staffing the inquiry desk and processing applications for the various overseas study programs
Advising students and processing applications for scholarships/and stipends and the processing of the transfer of study credits for students who study abroad independently Gathering general information concerning overseas study and international exchange
List of Partner Universities
United States
The College of Saint Benedict, / St. John’s University (Minnesota, U.S.)
This university, located in the state of Minnesota, specializes in the liberal arts and has outstanding facilities. It offers a diverse range of fine arts courses and offers courses in unique specialties, such as Peace Studies. The university is situated in a natural setting and provides a safe environment.

Mills College (San Francisco, U.S.)
This private women’s college located in Oakland in the suburbs of San Francisco boasts over 100 years of history and tradition. It offers a wide range of courses in Women’s Studies. The climate and temperature in the area are pleasant throughout the year.
ELS Language Centers/Boston (Boston, U.S.)
This school is situated on the grounds of Mount Ida College, which is located on the outskirts of Boston. Students will have many opportunities to interact with exchange students from many different countries both at the school and in the city of Boston.
Participants can to choose to stay in the college dormitory or live with a host family.
The English Center for International Women (ECIW) at Mills College (San Francisco, U.S.)
ECIW is situated on the beautiful campus of Mills College, which is located on the outskirts of San Francisco. ECIW is an English teaching institution that focuses on teaching English skills that will prepare students for further study in the U.S. or for employment in the U.S..
Monash University English Language Centre (Melbourne, Australia)
Since its establishment in 1988, Monash University English Language Centre has provided outstanding English training programs to overseas exchange students. The centre has an established reputation because of the wide range of effective and reliable courses it provides for students.
La Trobe University Language Centre (Melbourne, Australia)
The Language Centre was established in 1974. Every year the center welcomes several thousand students from around the world to participate in its English language courses.

The University of Queensland Institute of Continuing and TESOL Education (ICTE) (Brisbane, Australia)
ICTE was established in 1981 as the English language education facility of the University of Queensland. It is a member of the National ELICOS (English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students) Association and is registered a program under the Australian government.
New Zealand
The University of Otago Language Centre (Dunedin, New Zealand)
The University of Otago was the first University in New Zealand and the Language Center is affiliated with the university. It boasts a a team of highly capable staff who offer students a high-quality education in brand-new facilities. The center welcome students from around the world.
Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU) (Beijing, China)
BLCU primarily offers a range of Chinese language education programs. Each year many overseas students come to the university to study. There are also many courses available on Chinese culture.
University Teknologi MARA (UiTM) (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
UiTM is an enormous national university with 32 undergraduate faculties. The university provides an opportunity to study in the vibrant country of Malaysia, which is experiencing astounding growth and development. Lectures are conducted in English.
Thompson Rivers University (TRU) (Kamloops, BC, Canada)
TRU offers more than 100 programs in various faculties, including humanities, business, education, science, technology, computer science, health sciences, and tourism. There are approximately 9,000 students enrolled in the university including approximately 750 foreign students from 59 different countries.
The Bunkyo Language Education Center (Hongo Campus)
This center engages mainly in examination and research of English language learning and teaching methods and in practical language guidance. In particular, the following activities are being implemented: development of supplementary educational materials and alternative educational materials for English language guidance based on the “three-round system” which is the educational theory and teaching method on with the Faculty of Foreign Studies bases its teaching; research into effective utilization techniques for CALL educational materials;
and PR activities inside and outside the university about
the results of research.

The Child Language Education Center (Hongo Campus)
The Child Language Education Center provides an environment in which children from 3 to 12 years of age can study English. The center is also used as a facility for practical training for students seeking to try out the skills they learn in the English Education Course at the university. This center provides advice to students who would like to teach children in the future.

The Center for Intellectual Property and Multilingual Digital Media Content (Hongo Campus)
The center provides advice and support activities concerning copyright issues pertaining to the computer contents produced by or conceived of by students and teachers, and also offers support for the education of computer contents producers at the university. In addition, the aim of the center is to contribute to improving Intellectual Property-related education.

The Clinical Psychology Advice Center (Hongo Campus)
This is a practical training center affiliated with the School of Human Studies of the Graduate Division. It engages in clinical training of graduate students who are participating in the Course in Clinical Psychology. Through counseling based on clinical psychology the center aims to contribute to the local community. These services are offered to various people in the community who pay a fee and schedule an appointment.

The Childcare Practice and Research Center
“Furatto Bunkyo”(Fujimino Campus)
“Furatto Bunkyo” engages mainly in efforts to support childcare and parenting through research and development of educational programs. It is expanding its programs throughout local communities. Parents from the community come to the center for advice and the center also functions as a forum for communication among parents. The students also have an opportunity to interact with parents and children at the center. The students gain hands-on educational experience and deepen their understanding about the realities of being a childcare provider. In addition by listening to the worries and joys of parents on the issue of child-raising the students gain useful insights that will help them as they become the next generation of parents.

BICS (Bunkyo Informal Community Service) Center (Fujimino Campus)
BICS collects and provides information on volunteer activities and provides various services linking people and students in the community who want to engage in volunteer activities with other people in the community who require welfare services. Students interact with people in the community and this connects the theory they learn in the classroom to real life experiences. Through such actions, not only do students heighten their practical skills, they also can experience personal growth and development and contribute to community vitalization.

The Clinical Psychology and Welfare Center (Fujimino Campus)
The Clinical Psychology and Welfare Center is an affiliated facility of Bunkyo Gakuin University that offers a variety of expert advice and assistance programs provided by university teachers and staff to people in the community. These services include parenting advice on general child-raising issues, educational advice on such issues as late development in children, and advice on listening and talking to children to promote speech.

Center for Environmental Education and Research (Fujimino Campus)
Complete with computer facilities that enable research into environmental problems on a local and global scale and an extensive collection of environmental publications and devices, the Center for Environmental Education and Research vigorously supports full-fledged learning and research. In an effort to contribute to the development of a sustainable society, the center is advancing a variety of community action programs. The programs focus on issues including solving the refuse material, problem researching biotopes, re-invigorating and cooperating with civic activities, and fostering a better living environment for all.

Library Facilities
Hongo Library
The Hongo Library spans four floors. The collection includes approximately 144,000 volumes, 2,400 audio-visual materials, and 290 magazine titles. Computer work stations inside the library are linked to the Internet and students can also conduct searches of the libraries holdings. There is a comprehensive range of materials for students to access about employment opportunities, and the requirements for various examinations and national qualifications.

Fujimino Library
The Fujimino Library has collection of approximately 105,000 volumes, 2,705 audio-visual materials, and 300 magazine titles. There are 23 computer information terminals that can be used to search the library holdings and the Internet. In order to increase the digital connectedness of the library environment students with their own computers can now access the Internet via a wireless LAN connection. A knowledgeable librarian is also available to respond to questions and queries.