2015 Bunkyo ECE internship program for Cabrillo students
2015 Bunkyo ECE internship program for Cabrillo students #10
Sasha and Edna greeted President Kudo who has been the president of Bunkyo Gakuin University since last April. He is a medical doctor and asked them to learn how schools in the US generally manage children with food allergy. At the end of our meeting, he told them each to take this gift as a token of his appreciation. They were Japanese traditional folding fans. They are not only beautiful but useful for hot and humid days!
In the afternoon, Sasha and Edna had some activities with two groups of children, aged 3 to 5, accompanied by their moms. The children joined them and got involved in the special activities like “Let’s play in English.” Bunkyo students including a student from Napal assisted them in translating into Japanese. They all introduced themselves in either English or Japanese before the activity started.

Edna was reading the Hungry Caterpillar which is also popular in Japan, using the flannel board. Each child had a food made from a piece of cloth appearing in the book such as apples and strawberry cake. This boy came up to the board to put his food on as Edna read the name of that food. The children appeared attentive to what Edna was reading all in English. Interactive books are great for really getting the kids involved in what they’re reading. The children all seemed to enjoy participating in the flannel story.