2015 Bunkyo ECE internship program for Cabrillo students
2015 Bunkyo ECE internship program for Cabrillo students #11
Finally the Bunkyo ECE internship program in 2015 came to its official end today. Sasha and Edna gave us a talk summarizing their trip to Japan. Quite a few students and some host families participated in the presentation session, which was followed by a Q & A session. For instance, a student asked them if they had bought souvenir for their friends and family and what they were. Their answers were candies (no other country in the world has as many Kit Kat flavors as Japan does!), children’s books, and bento boxes.

Sasha and Edna each talked about what they had learned during their internships in Fujimino kindergarten and Japanese cultural experiences. They did an excellent job and their presentations were very impressive and insightful. They created beautiful slides to support their talk. The digest version of their slide show will be shown below.
They have successfully completed the required internship program and each received a Certificate of Completion of the ECE Program. Congratulations on your completion!
After their presentations, we had a farewell party for them. We noticed that Santa Cruz T-shirts looked really good on Sasha’s host brothers. They all hope that they would come back again! Meanwhile, another group of Bunkyo students will go to Santa Cruz next March.
報告会に引き続き、彼女たちの送別会が催されました。そこにはホストファミリー宅の子どもたちも参加してくれて、お別れの挨拶をしていました。サーシャの隣の男の子はサンタクルーズのTシャツが似合っていました! みんなは2人がまた日本に来てくれることを希望しています。その一方で、来年の3月には文京生がカブリヨ大学にまたフィールドワークで行きます。サンタクルーズでまた会いましょう。