2015 Bunkyo ECE internship program for Cabrillo students
2015 Bunkyo ECE internship program for Cabrillo students #12
Sasha and Edna finished their official program yesterday, but they will be staying for three more days in Japan. They enjoyed the rest of their stay as seen in the following photos below.
Edna’s first host family took her to the Cup Noodle Museum in Yokohama. They all had fun making their own cup noodle – decorating their own cup and then watching their cup being filled up with the noodles, soup base and ingredients of their choice before it’s being sealed.

This is the one she made (which was shown just before they left for the Narita Airport).
Yomiuri Giants
Sasha sent us a photo with her comments on it below:
This was a very special day for me. I had been wanting to go to a Giants game, and it just worked out I was able to. I bought a ten dollar ticket and walked around. I watched the game from the standing section all the way until the 6th inning. Just at the start of top of the 7th a gentleman pulled me aside handed me two tickets and said something to me in Japanese I didn’t understand. He then escorted me to the section and said in English, “please enjoy” his seats were located only ten rows away from the field, somewhere between 1st base and right field. After the game I walked around Tokyo Dome City where I decided to ride the roller coaster and the Ferris wheel. What a beautiful way to spend one of my last nights in Tokyo.
サーシャは野球が好きで、アメリカではサンフランシスコジャイアンツのファンだそうです。よって、日本に来たら読売ジャイアンツの試合を見るのが夢だったと言っています。文京のGSI 上田さんが、後楽園でやっているジャイアンツの試合の立見席の情報を知らせてくれて、彼女は一人で試合を見に行ったようです。7回表からは、前から10列目のいい席に座っていた親切な方がチケットを2枚渡してくれて、立見席の彼女を自分の席まで連れて行ってくれて、「楽しんで!」と言って、去って行ったと言います。きっと、ジャイアンツの負け試合が7回で確定したんでしょうね。それにしても、彼女のチャレンジ精神と日本人の親切さのコラボレーションを讃えたいです! 彼女は、その後も後楽園遊園地(Webマスター注:現在は、東京ドームシティアトラクションズと言います)を楽しんで、素晴らしい一日になったようです!

Sash stopped by Fratto on Monday and played with some children there. She was invited to play together on the deck by a girl aged 2;6 in the photo who kept saying “Let’s play” in Japanese and pulling her hand.

You sound just like me!
Here in this photo Edna was asked to read a counting book in English. The boy just imitated words such as bear and frog exactly what Edna said. Young children are natural language acquirers; they are self-motivated to pick up language without conscious learning, unlike adults. They have the ability to imitate pronunciation and work out the rules for themselves.
エドナーも「ふらっと」に来ていたこの男の子が関心を示した英語の本を、一緒に読んで楽しんでいました。エドナーが発音する音、例えば、”bear”、”frog” などの単語を、この子は聞いたまま自然に繰り返していました。大人はこのような単語の “r” の音が、どうしても日本語の影響を受けやすくて練習が必要なのですが、この年齢の子どもは、いとも簡単に出せるのがうらやましいです。
Special dinner at the dorm
Sasha and Edna sent us a photo taken at the dorm and commented on their special dinner there:
This is when the Chinese students made Chinese gyoza for us. The girls made the filling and let us try stuffing them. Edna seemed to do this with ease, I on the other hand struggled to keep the stuffing in without it breaking, but none the less it was fun to try!! We met the Japanese students in our dorm and it was fun for us to see how many different cultures were in one room and the diversity within us, but also the similarities. So special!