2015 Bunkyo ECE internship program for Cabrillo students
2015 Bunkyo ECE internship program for Cabrillo students #5

Sasha and Edna came to my class in the morning, Children’s second language acquisition. We discussed cultural differences and similarities between Japan and the US. They said that they hardly found any trash cans on the street but there is no litter in the city. They wonder where people can throw away their garbage. Japanese learned to reduce the amount of waste they threw away? Hmmm, I doubt it. Perhaps, they keep it with them! They also found that Japanese children in the Fujimino kindergarten were more self-regulated than their American counterparts. Young children in the States seem to need more help from adults. Japanese preschoolers may show less anger and distress in conflict situations than US children. On the other hand, Japanese students who had their internships at the preschools in Santa Cruz felt that US children were more independent to express what they want to do. It is interesting to see our own culture through different perspectives.
今日は、1限目から「子どもの第二言語習得」の授業に参加しました。学生たちからの質問に答えたり日米の幼児教育や文化差について語り合いました。「日本は安全で道路にごみが全くないし、町の中にごみ箱もない、ごみはみんなどうしているのだろうか」との質問に、「家に持ち帰る?」「外でごみはでない?」とディスカッションが進みました! ふじみ野幼稚園の子どもたちは自分のやることをしっかりわかっていて、言われなくても自主的に行動している姿に驚いたとも言っていました。アメリカでは大人が援助することが多いそうです。しかし、海外短期フィールドワークでサンタクルーズでの実習を経験した文京の学生からは、アメリカの子どもの方が自己主張をしっかりして自分のやりたいことを言葉で表現できる子どもが多くいたとの声も上がりました。お互いの感想を述べ合いながら、改めて自文化について考える時間になりました。

Our discussion culminated with Japanese high tech toilets with the buttons! They were encouraged to press buttons to see what they could do. The student from Nepal also told them how comfortable warm seats and water would be once you got used to it. Some even have buttons for music so that the unpleasant sounds produced while using the toilet can be reduced. Japanese seem to be proud of it!
その後、ディスカッションは日本のハイテクトイレの話で最高潮に達しました! 2人ともトイレにあるたくさんのボタンをまだ押したことがないそうです。クラスにいるネパールからの留学生も、最初は怖かったが一度押してみると、温かい水が心地よくて止められなくなる、と2人を勇気づけていました!

They visited Matsubushi preschool in the afternoon accompanied by two Bunkyo students. This preschool is called “Children’s woods” and surrounded by lots of plants and trees as well as gardening and farming areas.

They realized that a well-designed child care environment inspires curiosity and enhances learning.

Sasha was impressed by stained glass artwork telling an old narrative story.