2015 Bunkyo ECE internship program for Cabrillo students
2015 Bunkyo ECE internship program for Cabrillo students #6
Sasha and Edna visited one of the English classes this afternoon. In this small class, students were practicing reading children’s stories in English such as “The North wind and the sun” and “Momotaro, the peach boy.” They’ve made Kamishibai, a picture-story show telling children a story illustrated with picture cards, which will be presented the following week as part of class requirements. Sash was giving these two students some tips to help them improve their English pronunciation such as how to pronounce “blue” and “brew” differently.
Here Edna was checking some Japanese words used in “Momotaro, the Peach Boy” such as “oni.” Oni can be translated as demons, devils, or ogres, but it doesn’t quite fit in any of them. So the students decided to use oni in an English version of the story as it is in Japanese. However, there are many of them in the island of Onigashima. So they all wondered if onis, plural form of oni, should be used.
こちらのグループでは、「ももたろう」を練習していました。そこに出てくる「鬼」は英語にすると”demon”、 “devil”、 “ogre”などと訳せるのですが、いずれも鬼ヶ島の鬼には合わないようで、そのまま”oni”と使うことにしているバージョンを選んでいました。そこで、紙芝居の絵を見たエドナーが、「鬼はひとりではないようなので、”onis”とした方がいいのでは」とのアドバイスを受けて、日本語と英語の違いに学生たちは改めて気づいたようでした。日本語で「鬼たち退治」と言わないのはどうしてでしょうね。

They experienced doing flower arrangement at school this evening. They tried to imitate what the instructor arranged flowers as a model. In other words, they arranged them according to models offered by nature itself. Here are their final artwork and both are so beautiful! Good job!

Sasha was making tea according to the way in which powered green tea (matcha) is stirred up in a tea ceremony. This was her first time to do tea ceremony but she looked so confident about what she was supposed to do.

Edna also made tea and was about to drink it in this picture. What did it taste like? I hope they had tea together with traditional Japanese sweets to balance with the bitter taste of the tea. The tea ceremony in Japan is not only to drink matcha but also to learn about the Japanese culture and it is a bridge between people.