2016 Bunkyo/Cabrillo ECE Internship Program
2016 Bunkyo / Cabrillo ECE Internship Program Website #10

Nancy and Candice visited the senior seminar where 11 students study their own themes and write their theses under the supervision of Prof. Kasuya. The Cabrillo students were asked to tell us what motivated them to study ECE and made them to decide to become preschool teachers. Then the students from both cultures discussed comparisons of preschools in Japan and the US. For instance, they talked about a student-teacher ratio, student-teaching and paid internships for two semesters, parental support and involvement, parent accountability, a child who doesn’t participate in a group activity, and safety issues.

Today’s final activity was pottery making, forming pots on the wheel. Assisted by two Bunkyo students, they worked hard with clay and ended up making two bowls. After the bowls are fired, Prof. Hinago, art teacher, will glaze them. Then I’ll bring the final pieces to Nancy and Candice in Santa Cruz next March!