2016 Bunkyo/Cabrillo ECE Internship Program
2016 Bunkyo / Cabrillo ECE Internship Program Website #13
At Fujimino kindergarten, Nancy and Candice had two after-class sessions where two groups of 13 children enjoyed learning English songs and doing fingerplays. Each session began with an ice-breaking song: it goes like “Here is xxx. Who is sitting next to you?” Singing songs that incorporate children’s names is a fun way for everyone to get to know one another. Participating children looked so happy when their names were called in the song.

They played an interactive game called “Farmer’s Market.” After the demonstration of this game, each child was called to come up to the board and asked to choose what fruits or vegetables he or she wants to buy. The child with play money pretended to buy an item from the farmer’s market by saying like “How much is the apple? and “May I have some apples please?” The children were having fun exploring different kinds of fruits and vegetables in English.