2016 Bunkyo/Cabrillo ECE Internship Program
2016 Bunkyo / Cabrillo ECE Internship Program Website #2

Nancy and Candice had their first internship experience in the kindergarten. Children in the Squirrel class were curious about where Nancy is from, so she shows Japan and the US on the globe in the photo.

Candice assigned in the Giraffe class learned how to make origami paper items, supported by these girls.

All the 5 year olds got together in the room. They were getting too loud at first. The Squirrel class teacher, Mr. Adachi, started staying calm and acting in control. He told the children that it’s time to do a quiet countdown, starting at 5 and getting quieter as he counts down to one. Thanks to his magic numbers, everyone calmed down beautifully.

Nancy and Candice were introduced in front of the children. The children were taught to say “Let’s play together” when they want to play with the Cabrillo students.
ナンシーとキャンディスがこれから4日間に渡ってクラスに入ることが伝えられ、子どもたちに正式に紹介されました。この二人のお姉さんと一緒に遊びたいときは、” Let’s play together ”という英語を使うといいことも教えてもらいました。