2016 Bunkyo/Cabrillo ECE Internship Program
2016 Bunkyo / Cabrillo ECE Internship Program Website #3

After their self-introductions, they were asked to show some finger play songs which are often used to get kids attention and have fun with movements in preschools. In the photo, they are demonstrating “Open, shut them.” This is very similar to Japanese children’s song called, “Close hands, Open hands”(Musunde, hiraite). The students in this class seemed to feel embarrassed to sing and act like children at first but to end up enjoying themselves.
その後は、英語での手遊びを教えてもらい、ちょっと恥ずかしそうにしていた学生たちも最後には子どもの時のように楽しみました。写真は、2人が「むずんでひらいて」の英語バージョン(Open ,Shut them)のデモンストレーションををしているところでした。

The garden inside the shrine becomes popular during the middle of June when the irises are in bloom. Unfortunately, they have gone now but instead water lilies are fully blooming on the pond.