2016 Bunkyo/Cabrillo ECE Internship Program
2016 Bunkyo / Cabrillo ECE Internship Program Website #4

A small well located within the garden, Kiyomasa’s Well (Kiyomasa no ido), is named after a military commander who dug it around 400 years ago. The well was visited by the Emperor and Empress while they were alive and has become a popular spiritual “power spot.” However, that is not the reason why this well became famous. The truth is that the site became famous after some TV programs featured it with people claiming that their luck improved when they used pictures of the well as background screens on their cellphones. I hope Nancy and Candice got the spiritual power, no matter what the truth is!

Confections are part of the landscape and the sight of someone enjoying a succulent crepe as they stroll has long been a fixture along Takeshita street. So did they! After shopping, they enjoyed Teriyaki Chicken dinner at an Izakaya, Japanese style pub.
二人とも、定番のクレープを食べ歩きながら、袋いっぱいの買い物バッグを抱えて、すっかり竹下通りに溶け込んでいました! その後、居酒屋で焼き鳥を食べながら、みんなで東京の夜を楽しんだようです。