2016 Bunkyo/Cabrillo ECE Internship Program
2016 Bunkyo / Cabrillo ECE Internship Program Website #6

This group chose to read a story of the tortoise and the hare. They had a hard time pronouncing “tortoise” and “hare.” Nancy encouraged them to repeat after her.
このグループは「うさぎとかめ」の話を選んでいました。”tortoise” ”hare” の発音が難しいようで、ナンシーに何度も聞いては繰り返して練習をしていました。

Unlike conventional flower arrangements, which emphasizes the color and bloom of different flowers set in a vase, ikebana pays attention to the overall line and form of all plant material used and emphasizes minimalism and asymmetry. It’s also important to follow your own creative intuition! Nancy’s first Ikebana looks quite good to me in this respect!