2017 Bunkyo/Cabrillo ECE Internship Program
2017 Bunkyo / Cabrillo ECE Internship Program Website #10-1

Finally, today was the last day of the official program. Yovania and Anabel participated in the special class for improving presentation skills in English. This was a small class but the students seemed enthusiastic about having guests who gave each presenter feedback on his/her presentation. As seen in the above photos, Yovania and Anabel were also given the chance to share their ideas in a small group discussion.

At the very end of the program, Yovania and Anabel gave a presentation on their experience in this ECE internships. We invited all the teachers from Fujimino kindergarten, students participated in the activities and the sightseeing trips to Tokyo, host families, and ECE faculty and staff to their presentation this evening. Written reports that they will be turning in later, however, should tell a whole story of their trip to Japan.

Anabel started talking about many new experiences with children in the Fujimino kindergarten. For example, she was amazed at children’s being independent on the playground because they were able to play safely by themselves without adult supervision, while in the US children are not allowed to do so.(This may imply that the teachers in the Fujimino kindergarten believe what the children can do by themselves.)

Yovania said she liked her name in Japanese, which was taught by the teacher in the kindergarten. She also talked about a wide range of her experiences in Japan from her internships in Panda and Squirrel classes to flower arrangement and tea ceremony to sightseeing in downtown Tokyo.