2017 Bunkyo/Cabrillo ECE Internship Program
2017 Bunkyo / Cabrillo ECE Internship Program Website #10-2

They both had a great time staying with two families each. They went to a variety of places with them such as Disneyland, a place for making Japanese traditional paper Washi, Nagatoro for river boat riding, and the cup needle museum. After their presentations, there were some questions. One of them was how Anabel felt about co-sleeping (sleeping with host sisters who requested her to sleep in her room). She said that she didn’t mind at all because she always slept with her son at home. Parents in the US seem to be split on the pros and cons of co-sleeping (or bed sharing to be exact). Yovania said that she was a “crib-sleeper.”

Anabel wanted to say something after their presentation was over. She said, “We couldn’t thank all of you enough for giving us this opportunity to visit and learn with you in Japan.” Then they received a Certificate of Completion. Before the farewell party began, we took a group photo as usual! Thank you all to come to their presentation and the party. Let’s have fun this evening!

I said something like “ To Yovania and Anabel, thank you for coming to our university. We had a great time having you. I hope you did too” before saying “Cheers.” And just about to say “Cheers”, everyone noticed they didn’t even have their glasses!

So quickly everyone had a glass and “Cheers” (Kanpai in Japanese) again!

A party like this will help you practice your small talk so you can start conversation in English more easily. Some students were not too shy to talk to them anymore. Good for you!