2017 Bunkyo/Cabrillo ECE Internship Program
2017 Bunkyo / Cabrillo ECE Internship Program Website #5-1

Yovania and Anabel visited freshman English class which is an elective beginning English class for ECE students (and taught by me). I told the students to create Kamishibai which is a form of Japanese storytelling that involves illustrated story cards as part of class assignment to be presented in two weeks. Today they were supposed to practice reading the story, so Yovania and Anabel were asked to go around three groups each checking their pronunciations and how to read some phrases and sentences.

Anabel gave this group a big hand for reading OK although their cards were not ready yet!

Yovania was carefully listening to this boy (we can’t see except his hands in this photo) because he tried hard to ask her something by saying only “most, surprise.” Finally she got it: he meant to say what surprised her most in Japan. It was worth a try!
この写真では手しか映っていませんが、一人の学生が一生懸命ヨバニアに質問をしています。しかし、mostとsurpriseを繰り返しているだけで、なかなか通じません! それでも続けていると、やっと彼女がその熱意に感を働かせてくれたのか、彼の言いたかった質問(日本に来て最も驚いたことは何ですか)を言い当ててくれました。熱意は通じるものです!

Thanks to Yovania and Anabel, our students really enjoyed talking with them while they were learning many things such as how to pronounce “alley oop” in the Giant Turnip.
彼女たちのおかげで、みんな英語で話すことの楽しみを感じてくれたようでした。いろいろと新しいことも教えてもらいましたね。例えば「おおきなかぶ」の中の「よいしょ」という掛け声は”alley oop”(アリーウップ)と繰り返すようで、子どもたちも気に入ってくれそうですね。