2017 Bunkyo/Cabrillo ECE Internship Program
2017 Bunkyo / Cabrillo ECE Internship Program Website #6-1

We can hardly believe that the first week has passed so quickly. Yovania and Anabel are now on the second week of the program after they both had a great weekend with each of their host families. The photos sent me by their host mothers will be uploaded separately later. Today we invited them to join us for the children and their families workshop held in the Fratto. First, they demonstrated some finger play songs. Musical activities such as action songs, rhymes and finger plays are pleasant and fun activities to use with children from the very beginning. These activities encourage a child to listen, interact, vocalize more often, pay attention and imitate actions and sounds. Don’t worry if you “can’t sing well.” Just enjoy singing together!

After sharing some fun activities, we had a Qs and As session. Mothers had a lot of questions for them. For instance, “How comfortable would American mothers feel leaving their children home alone with a babysitter?” “Would mothers in the US care about food additives and preservatives?” “Fathers’ involvement in child rearing is not new, but in Japan we still view fathers as secondary parents. How about in the US?” and “How could mothers find time alone each day?”
例えば、「アメリカでは小さい子どもをベビーシッターに預けることがよくあると聞くが、それに抵抗はないのだろうか」(答え:確かに信頼のできる人を探すのは苦労することがある。彼女たちの周りでは家族や親せき、よく知っている人に頼むことが多い) 「子どもの食べ物の食品添加物についてはどう考えているか」(答え:日本よりアメリカは多様な人がいるので、それをあまり気にしていない人もいるし、過度に気にして決まったメーカの物しか買わない人もいる。) 「父親の育児参加についてはどうか」(答え:アメリカでは父親のいない家が多くなっているし、離婚後父親が子どもを育てている家もあるので、日本の事情とはかなりちがうのではないだろうか。父母が同じ家にいる家では母親の方が育児の負担が多いのは日本と同じであろう。)

Now it’s time to play. While Anabel was gently guiding his hand, this boy was figuring out how to drop each piece into its proper hole. Shape sorters are classic toddler favorites because they are a fun challenge. Meanwhile, Yovania was asked about children’s toys in the US by the mother during playing catch with her son.

At lunch time, we had a chance to talk about the activities, called “Let’s play in English”, led by Yovania and Anabel Wednesday afternoon. It consists with two 30 minutes sessions, one for younger and one older children at the Fujimino kindergarten. Six volunteer students will be assisting them with classroom management in Japanese when necessary.