2017 Bunkyo/Cabrillo ECE Internship Program
2017 Bunkyo / Cabrillo ECE Internship Program Website #6-2

This afternoon they were invited to an art class taught by Prof. Hinago. Anabel was using the potter’s wheel for the first time. In this photo, she was enlarging the hole to the size of the bowl she wished her pottery to be. She looked so serious!

Here Yovania also had a serious look on her face. She had an experience using a pottery wheel, but she knew that taking her eyes off the clay and it will spin out of control. (It’s a bit like life!)
こちらのヨバニアもかなり真剣な面持ちです! 彼女は前にろくろを使ったことがあると言っていましたが、それでも粘土からちょっとでも目をはなすととたんに周っている粘土がバランスを失うことを知っているようです。(それはちょっと人生に似ていませんか!)

These are the pieces they created! After this, glazing and firing pottery are important steps in the process of pottery making, which will be done by the teacher. Then I’ll bring the final works over to them next March! Please wait until then!
彼女たちはこんなにたくさん作ったようです! 次の工程の上ぐすりかけや素焼き本焼きなどは、日名子先生にやっていただくことになります。そして最後に出来上った作品は、私が来年3月にFWで行くときに持って行きます。待っていてください!