2018 Bunkyo/Cabrillo ECE Internship Program
2018 Bunkyo / Cabrillo ECE Internship Program Website #10

Gloria and Michaelyn had a project called “Let’s play in English” at the kindergarten this afternoon. There were two sessions, the first one was for three-year-olds. They started with a hello song, “Hello xxx, how are you? Who is sitting next to you?” It was a little hard for a girl in this photo to sing and tell Michaelyn who was sitting next to her. But she smiled at Michaelyn instead.
午前中の実習が終わってから、午後から二人は「えいごであそぼう」を主導してくれました。最初のセッションは、年少さんから希望者10人が参加してくれました。Hello song は少し難しかったようですが、文京の学生のサポートもあり笑顔で答えていました。

They read The Very Hungry Caterpillar and did a felt board activity. They gave each child a fruit. As they read the story, they had the children bring up the appropriate foods and put them on the board. They enjoyed creating stories on the board.

At the end of the first session, Michaelyn and Gloria shook each child’s hand and saying goodbye to her.

The second session began right after the first one. It was for 4- and 5-year-olds. They know the story very well and were willing to come to the front to put all the fruits on the board. Children really enjoyed this sequencing activity with the favorite story.

Then they sang “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” while Michaelyn played the guitar. They enjoyed singing with hand motions.