2018 Bunkyo/Cabrillo ECE Internship Program
2018 Bunkyo / Cabrillo ECE Internship Program Website #3-1

Today was the very first day of Cabrillo students’ ECE internships at Fujimino kindergarten. Michaelyn was busy making a sand mountain/piling with some children in the squirrel class. The children talked to her in Japanese and of course she didn’t understand but she tried to imitate whatever they did. They seemed to be able to work together.

Gloria was taken to the vegetable garden by some children in the rabbit class. They have grown potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and more. The children were proud of their garden to take care of by planning the seeds and watering. They looked happy to hear that Gloria liked potatoes. Teacher Asumi, master teacher, explained how potatoes grow under the ground and have to be dug up soon.

The students had a wonderful tea ceremony experience with a group of 5-year-old children. They came to the tea room in the university where they had Matcha (Japanese green tea) for the first time. The ochagashi, the sweets to be eaten before drinking the tea, were brought out to them. They all look a little nervous at first but enjoyed drinking Matcha.