2018 Bunkyo/Cabrillo ECE Internship Program
2018 Bunkyo / Cabrillo ECE Internship Program Website #7

2018/06/29 – 07/01
Gloria and Michaelyn enjoyed their weekend with their host families. Michaelyn went to Kamakura with her family. Kamakura is a coastal town in Kanagawa Prefecture, less than an hour south of Tokyo. The area around the Enoden Hase Station is particularly famous in Kamakura with its rows of shrines and temples. Among these temples is Hasedera Temple with its reputation for hydrangeas. These photos were taken in front of Hasedera Temple.

2018/06/29 – 07/01
Gloria went to Bunkyo summer festival which was held Fujimino kindergarten with her family. She also had the Kendo experience. She practiced some Kendo moves with a bamboo sword. This was her first time to hit someone’s head hard! She felt kind of full spirit in body and mind so later she said that she wanted her daughter to learn Kendo.
グローリアは、週末、ふじみ野祭りに参加したようです。さらに、剣道場に行って、初の剣道を経験させてもらいました。「人の頭を力強く叩いていいと言われたのは初めて! こんなに心身にエネルギーが漲るなんて! 内気な娘にも剣道を習わせたい!と、グロリアさんは仰っていました(笑)」と言うコメントが、ホストマザーからありました。