2019 Bunkyo/Cabrillo ECE Internship Program
2019 Bunkyo / Cabrillo ECE Internship Program Website #4
2019 June 25 (Tue)

Children are not shy! The boy was trying to say about transforming figures to Spencer. “Like Power Rangers?” he said to the boy and he nodded.
子どもたちはどんどん話しかけます! この子はスペンサーに変身の術を見せていました。真剣に聞いていたスペンサーに「パワーレンジャーみたい?」と言われ、思わずうなずいていました。

A group of girls was playing with sand making a sand mountain in a playground sand pit. Mimi was a big helper for them.

Potato digging is a big thing at the kindergarten and a popular activity for children in Japan.

In the rabbit classroom, children asked many questions and Mimi answered. What’s your name! Where are you from? Where is America on a world map? Where is Japan? (Small!)
教室に戻って、ウサギ組では、ミミの紹介がインタビュー形式で行われました。「名前は?どこから来たの? この地図の中でアメリカはどこ? 日本は?」、日本の場所を示すと「小さい!」と言う声が、子どもたちから上がっていました。

In the squirrel classroom, Spencer had to answer a lot, too. What is your favorite food, color, and an anime character? (Sorry I didn’t get some answers but they seemed to have much in common!)

Mimi’s lunch time with the children. Her host mother made a bento box for her.

Spencer’s lunch time. It is customary for children to say “itadakimasu” all together before eating lunch at school. These three children who was in charge for lunch said “itadakimasu” today. “Itadakimasu” is literally “I’m receiving,” but it means “Thanks for the meal. It looks good.”

Spencer tried making his own lunch box for the first time. In fact, he made one for his host father as well!
今朝、スペンサーのホストファーザーから送られてきた写真です。初めての弁当作りに挑戦中! 二人分も作ってくれたそうです!

Mimi and Spencer next to their sign in the GSI office.” (The photo sent by Spencer)

Saya, her friends, and Mimi went to Karaoke after her internship at the kindergarten was over today. Mimi is a very good singer! Then they went to a sushi shop and she was brave enough to try to eat octopus (Commented by Saya)