2019 Bunkyo/Cabrillo ECE Internship Program
2019 Bunkyo / Cabrillo ECE Internship Program Website #6
2019 June 26 (Wed)

Last night, we had fun doing fireworks in front of our house with some neighborhood children. This was Mimi’s first time doing fireworkds.
昨日の夜は、家の前で花火をしました。近所の子ども達も来て、一緒に楽しんでいる様でした。ミミにとっては初めての花火体験でした。(From Saya)

She also tried to top up her balance at the ticket vending machine at the Fujimino station for the first time. Well done!
今日の朝、ふじみ野駅で自分でPASMOのチャージに挑戦しました。(From Saya)

I tried a lot of different types of seafood and treats last night at dinner. This picture shows our many plates! (From Mimi)