
2015年 報告(2014年度プログラム)

2015年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告10-2


【2015年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告10-2】

■ Cabrillo College(アメリカ カリフォルニア州 サンタクルーズ) で、3/15〜3/31までの海外短期フィールドワークです。





In this 3rd grade looping class, these students have just completed their activity. They had each child write his or her dream down on a petal of the cherry blossom. We all hope that their dreams come true!!





Here are some examples that children wrote: I hope I have a baby brother or baby sister.  I wish I could be a professional soccer player.  When I grow up, I want to be a billionaire.  I wish be a doctor and help people.  I wish to give hope to my family…





In this 2nd grade class, children discussed and decided what they were going to spend some time doing. Playing kick ball was their decision. They had a good time. These students, however, looked a little nervous because they had to do their project afterward. They reported later that it went well!




今日は、小学校での実習を終えて、全員カブリヨ大学に集合しました。各ペアーから2日間の実習の感想、学んだこと、疑問点などについて、様々な報告がありました。詳しくは報告書に書いてもらいますが、例えば、チャータースクールがいかに親のサポートで成り立っているかを知ったこと、グループ学習のいいところと疑問に思ったこと、スペリングミス(Invented spelling)は直さない事、先生によって教室運営が大きく変わること、kindergarten=幼稚園と思っていたが、Kは小学校の最初としての勉強を始めるクラスであることが実感できたなどが挙げられていました。

After having finished their internships in elementary schools, all the students came back to Cabrillo late afternoon. We had feedback and discussion sessions. They raised a lot of issues which will be appearing in their written reports they have to turn in when they go back to Japan. Some were more area or school specific issues and some were more universal in the field. For instance, they discussed how a parent participation school such as Linscott was like, a big difference between kindergartens here as the first level to start schooling and in Japan as the last stage of preschool education, what is invented spelling, the pros and cons of small group activities/instruction, and teachers who can play a key role in structuring and managing his/her class.