2014年 報告(2013年度プログラム)
2014年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告04
【2014年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告04】
■ Cabrillo College(アメリカ カリフォルニア州 サンタクルーズ) で、3/16〜4/1までの海外短期フィールドワークです。
今日の午前中は近くにある小学校Mar Vista Elementary Schoolの見学でした。各クラスの観察に入る前に、校長先生が校内を案内してくれました。写真は多目的ルームで、3年生の演劇の練習風景を見せてもらいました。
We visited Mar vista Elementary School nearby. The principal gave us a tour of the school. We saw the 3rd graders practicing the play in the multipurpose room.
イソップ物語の「オオカミ少年」、 The boy who cried wolf の話を歌も入れてミュージカル風に演じていました。この話からcry wolf(人騒がせな嘘ばかりをつく)という表現がきています。「すっぱいブドウ」(sour grapes=負け惜しみ)の話もイソップからですね。子どもの本から学ぶことはたくさんあります。
Children were rehearsing the parts and songs for the play, “The boy who cried wolf.” Many of English sayings come from Aesop’s fables like “cry wolf” and “sour grapes.”
The first grade teacher was so friendly and he played the accordion with his children playing recorders to welcome us to their class. Children asked us a lot about Japan.
This girl wanted to read a persuasive letter she wrote about her favorite book to Japanese visitors. I (their teacher) hope my students have understood it, at least they understood how enthusiastic she was.
After observing 4 different classes, students had a lot of questions to ask the principal. They were, for instance, “Why is there no sand in the playground?”, “There were lots of small group activities but no whole class activity when I observed. Is that typical? “Are there any greetings to start class and end it?”, “How many recesses do children have and what do they usually do during a recess?”
2回目のESLの授業では、子どもへの対応の仕方も学びました。乱暴にしている子に「ダメ、やめなさい」ではなくて、”This is the way we do it at preschool”と言って、positiveな表現を使う練習をrole-playで学びました。この写真は子ども役と先生役がわかりやすいですね!
Students learned how to talk to children. Participating in a role-playing activity, they were encouraged to use positive wording and clear short phrases such as “This is the way we do it at preschool”, “This is the time to play together”, and “You need to take turns.”