2014年 報告(2013年度プログラム)
2014年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告06
【2014年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告06】
■ Cabrillo College(アメリカ カリフォルニア州 サンタクルーズ) で、3/16〜4/1までの海外短期フィールドワークです。
午前中にChildren’s Centerでの2回目の観察が行われました。今回は観察視点を絞りじっくり子どもたちを見ることで、新たな疑問点もでてきたようです。観察後の「振り返り」(Reflective practice)では、先生の役割や食事の習慣についての質問や意見が多く出ました。この写真からは想像もできないでしょうが、みんなまじめにメリサンドの意見に聞き入っていました!
We had a guided observation this morning. Students were encouraged to focus on how children learn best. After about an hour observation, we gathered together again to reflect and comment on what we saw including a lot of questions such as teacher’s roles and eating behaviors to Melisande. Looking at this photo, you may not believe how serious they were at the review session, but they were!
来週からの実習を前に、今日のシェリーの英語のクラスでは部分実習の英文原稿の修正があり、最後はそれの発表でした。シェリーは実に忍耐強い先生です! 写真のペアーはこいのぼり(Carp streamers)の制作の手順を発表しています。
Sherrie’s last class ended with presentations of students’ projects which will be shown during their internships next week. Sherrie proofread the drafts. Students were so lucky to have such a patient teacher! In the photo, carp streamers, the symbols of children’s health, happiness, and successful development, were presented.
These students showed a magical baloon drawn on a papar plate which turns into a fruit. Would that be cool?
シェリー先生、ありがとう! 来週からの実習を頑張ります!
Thank you, Sherrie! We’ll do our best during our internships next week!
It was taken in their garden. There are a lot of big trees. I’m enjoying the life in Santa Cruz with my host family. (Written by Asuka)
We had dinner at PIZZAMYHEART with our host Mom and her children. A slice of pizza was so big, so we became full having only one slice. It was amazing that children each had two pieces! (Written by Manami and Nozomi, translated by hk)