
2015年 報告(2014年度プログラム)

2015年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告02


【2015年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告02】

■ Cabrillo College(アメリカ カリフォルニア州 サンタクルーズ) で、3/15〜3/31までの海外短期フィールドワークです。





The students began their first day on the program by having orientation sessions led by Ken and Jinsu, local coordinators. The students were asked to talk about their first experiences they had in their homes; Every thing is so huge here. Family members talk so fast that students never be able to join them directly in the conversations. They have to leave a bathroom door open when nobody is using it. And many more…  Overall, they all seem to have had a good time.





Academic executive officers, teachers, and staff from Cabrillo college including the steering committee members of this program participated in the opening ceremony, immediately followed by the orientation session. Each of them gave us a few words of warm welcome with a good sense of humor. The students were encouraged to tell their own culture to Cabrillo students so that they would learn to understand each other. I believe if they learn to understand each other, they will have a better understanding of themselves. 





At noon, we invited students taking Japanese I and II and had a pizza party as usual. They sit down at the table to eat this year rather than eat standing up. This style of eating might have been effective for them to find a conversational partner. They seem to have enjoyed talking with someone sitting next to them.





A language exchange is simply two or more people who want to learn each other’s languages. So today the students from Bunkyo and Cabrillo both practiced their target languages. This is a way of making friends as well because they have the same goals. It’s good to have someone who you know and can say hi to each other on campus.





Lastly today, Sesario who was retired last year has volunteered to become a campus tour guide. He took the students to some buildings including classrooms which they should know for ESL and Japanese classes. He also showed them the library, learning center, cafeteria, and some more. The last place they visited was the bookstore and guess what they got?  Cabrillo Sweatshirts!  Thank you so much for your dedication and support, Sesario!





Many students go back home by bus or are picked up by their family. But this student get home by bike. Today her host father was riding his bike with her. In two weeks, she will be in good shape!  Surprisingly, her host father knew “mamachari”!  Mama of course means mom and chari means a less polite word for bicycle.  It always comes with a basket up front and a baby seat, so it is nothing sexy but very convenient when you have heavy bags or some belongings. So mamachari bicycles are ridden by everyone in Japan including fathers!