
2015年 報告(2014年度プログラム)

2015年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告03


【2015年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告03】

■ Cabrillo College(アメリカ カリフォルニア州 サンタクルーズ) で、3/15〜3/31までの海外短期フィールドワークです。




今日の午前中はJeanから、カブリヨ大学の幼児教育学科の養成校としての位置づけについて話がありました。さらに、学内施設であるChildren’s Centerの特徴やモデル校として見学者が絶えないが、たった二人の専任教員でやりくりしている苦労も話してくれました。運営資金が州から出ている場合や、国(Federal funding)からの場合のチェック項目の差などちょっと難しい話もありましたね。低収入所得者への援助、特別支援教育についても触れていましたが、今日だけでは足りないので続きは金曜日にということで、この後3つのグループに分かれて観察室からの観察に出かけました。写真は、教室から出てきて観察室に行くところです。

Jean gave us a short lecture on the Cabrillo College Children’s Center which is a state-funded lab school before we went down to observe children from the observation rooms. To answer a student’s question, Jean touched upon some issues such as state budget cuts and Early Head Start/Head Start which are Federal programs that promote the school readiness of children from birth to age five from low-income families. The students seemed to find some similarities between ECE programs in Cabrillo and Bunkyo and a lot of differences. Then, the students were split into three groups and rotated through all of the classrooms (photo: they just moved to the observation rooms downstairs).





It’s lunch time!  Today is the first day for the students to bring their own lunch from home. This is a big group of 10 students who were sitting on the grass having their yummy sandwiches! One said, “This makes my dreams come true!”




こちらの4人は、カフェテリアの中で緑色に飾られたカップケーキを買って食べていました。今日はSt. Patrick’s Day という聖パトリックの祝日で、別名“Green Day”とも呼ばれています。アイルランド系の移民の多いところではその日は何か緑のものを身につけたり食べたりするようです。緑に染めたビールを飲んだり、コーンビーフ・アンド・キャベッジをアイルランド料理として食べる習慣がある。と、Jeanから聞いたばかりでしたね!

Four students in this indoor group got green frosted cupcakes. They looked cute and tasty, but later the students confessed they were just too sweet!  They learned it’s “Green Day” today, so they’ve just got to be enjoying green somehow today!  Happy Green Day to you all!





The last group of two were having dessert in the sun. They complained that it’s too hot in the sun but too cold in the shade!  They’ve got to move back and forth from sun to shade!  Enjoy it!




午後からは、英語のクラスが始まりました。実習前に、子どもに対応するときの大事な言い方や表現を教えてもらう、3回しかない貴重なレッスンとなります。日本語でも、小さい子どもが話していることばはわからないことが多いのですが、それは英語でも同じです。大人は待ってくれたり言い換えてくれたりしますが、子どもはそうはいきません! みんな使えそうな言い方をしっかり勉強しておきましょう!

The first class of three English lessons got started this afternoon. Sherrie was teaching useful words and expressions as well as children’s language and culture in the US (California?) to the students who need to know when doing their internships at preschools and kindergartens. It may be hard to understand what young children are saying, no matter what languages they speak, because they are still learning their own first language. What’s more, young children’s ability to understand should not be underestimated; they understand much more than they can say in English. So try hard to learn as much as children are doing every day!





The students seemed to have done a lot of activities today including introducing one’s friend, making a variety of questions about books on children’s growth, and singing well-known children’s songs. They looked motived to learn much more than they were in Japan!  One of them told me quietly that she wanted to say in English what she did today because her host parents might ask her. So I translated what she wanted to say into English. She wrote everything down in her notebook and I believe she was going to memorize some. I bet she’s never done such a thing before!