2015年 報告(2014年度プログラム)
2015年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告05-1
【2015年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告05-1】
■ Cabrillo College(アメリカ カリフォルニア州 サンタクルーズ) で、3/15〜3/31までの海外短期フィールドワークです。
We had a lecture on Cabrillo College Early Childhood Education philosophy taught by Michelle and Melisande. It included play based curriculum, emergent curriculum, child and family centered, conflict resolution, peace library, and pro-diversity. Also these elements were implemented with intentional and reflective teachings. The students found the center of their philosophy very similar to ours (the department of child development at Bunkyo Gakuin University). Seen in the photo, the slide showed the model for reflective practice; Observe children, Document observations, Reflect, questions, and plan, and Implement thoughts.
講義の後は、メリサンドが自分のプリスクールのクラスで実践しているアクティビティーを紹介してくれました。写真は、日本のパネルシアターに似ているFlannel storyと呼ばれる教材です。これを使って、”Five little ducks”のお話の歌を歌いながらボードにアヒルの数が変わっていくことを、子どもたちは楽しみます。
Melisande shared some activities she actually implemented in her preschool class with the students. She showed us a flannel story for “Five little ducks” which teaches numbers and the rhythm. Flannel stories are very similar to “Panel theater” we call in Japan. Children love to sing this song while they are learning backward counting.
We then spent the second half of the morning exploring art and sensory play activities that children like. These students made something out of the play dough. Jean once told me that children are not expected to make end products which should look like something, but the process and their creativity really account. So do you still have your own imagination?
These students made collages. Collage is a technique of an art production. Do they look like something familiar?!
ペインティング、コラージュ、”Oohblech” (日本語訳は思いつきません、英語でもうぇっとなるという意味が入っているので、一瞬こんな言葉が出そうになるような感触の素材です)を体験しているところです。”Oohblech”は、コーンスターチと水を混ぜて作る液体ですが、その感触は何とも言えませんので、触ってみるしかないのです!
This was a table for painting, collage activity, and “oohblech” (which is hard to translate into Japanese!). Oohblech is a mixture of cornstarch and water, fluids that act like both a solid and a liquid. The students enjoyed letting it drip through their fingers. It is hard to describe what it feels like. They said it was kind of gross but fun!