2015年 報告(2014年度プログラム)
2015年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告15-1
【2015年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告15-1】
■ Cabrillo College(アメリカ カリフォルニア州 サンタクルーズ) で、3/15〜3/31までの海外短期フィールドワークです。
We met our host families two weeks ago at this parking lot and today had to say good-bye to them at the same place. It is always sad to leave. We would not like to say good-bye, but rather, see you again soon!
These students were sad to leave here too but they were also worried about the weight of their suitcases! We assume they had a lot of good memories they wanted to put in their suitcases. So it got so heavy, right!
サンフランシスコ観光の始まりは、サンフランシスコ湾に面した桟橋に作られた観光地Pire 39からスタートです。最後のお土産を買いたい人、まずはランチを食べたい人と、足取りも軽やかですね!
We spent the entire day sightseeing and shopping in San Francisco! First, we went to Pier 39 to have lunch and shop! The students were heading for Pier 39 in a lighthearted mood.
Frances, Wauhillau and Kevin drove us to San Francisco today. Their children, Ashlee and Martin, 15 years old, were also with us assisting their Moms by using GPS devices to navigate busy city streets!