2016年 報告(2015年度プログラム)
2016年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告05-2
【2016年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告05-2】
■ Cabrillo College(アメリカ カリフォルニア州 サンタクルーズ) で、3/13〜3/28までの海外短期フィールドワークです。
こちらのグループでは、カブリヨの学生から「せんこうはなんですか」と聞かれ、戸惑っていましたね。「せんこう」のアクセントが前にあったため、「線香」「先行」「閃光」? 外国人アクセントのある日本語も聞き取れるようになってください!
In another group, Cabrillo students asked Bunkyo students in Japanese, “What is your major?” (Senkou wa nan desuka). Then unfortunately Bunkyo students was not able to understand it. Major is senkou in Japanese, but senkou also has other meanings such as incense, flash, and preceding which can be determined by the pitch accent of a word and Chinese characters to be used, and of course depending on the context. Languages are becoming more and more diverse. We should learn to understand any Japanese spoken by non-Japanese people.
The last class today was Arts and Crafts Workshop starting at 4 o’clock. Before the class, the students got name tugs which were made by art students from Cabrillo. Each of them was uniquely designed. The students can use these name tugs when they’ll have their internships at schools next week. Thank you for nice presents!
今年は制作の内容が少し変わりました。ブレスレットではなく、ペンダントになりました! スタンプや型抜きで模様と色付けしてエナメル加工をしてもらい、ひもをつけてペンダントの出来上がりです。バッジもたくさん作っている学生もいましたね。
In the past, we made bracelets from copper. However, this year we made enamel pendants. We used stamps and stencils to make decorations on the face of pendants. Some made badge/button pins with funny decorations as well.
We thoroughly enjoyed working with our hands and made our own pendants. We loved both the process of making something and the end products! Dawn’s students were very kind and patient in helping Bunkyo students. Thanks to Dawn and her students, we had a great time again.