2016年 報告(2015年度プログラム)
2016年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告07-1
【2016年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告07-1】
■ Cabrillo College(アメリカ カリフォルニア州 サンタクルーズ) で、3/13〜3/28までの海外短期フィールドワークです。
It’s been a week since we came here. I hope the students are enjoying with their host families this weekend. As usual, Frances invited all the families to her house today. Frances and her son were busy preparing for the party assisted by Jinsu and two students staying here.
今年も3家族の新しい家族が、このプログラムのホストファミリーとして参加してくれています。この写真はその中の一家族が着いたところです。この家族は4人の小さな子がいるとってもにぎやかな家族で、家全体が保育所のようです! 学生たちの出番です!
This year three families joined in our program as host families. In this photo, one of the new families has just arrived. Rebecca and Nick have 4 children and of course must be very busy taking care of them. I hope these students can help them. They were having so much fun with the children.
The students had their first experience participating in a house party. It’s good for the students to have an opportunity to see and talk with other family members, but not as easy as we think it is. A lot of people feel a bit unsure of themselves when it comes to how to mingle and talk to people at parties. In fact, many asked me when the party would start and end, who would tell us to talk to whom, and what they should talk about! It’ll take a while to be ready to feel comfortable socializing at parties. However, they got along well with some of the children.
Many of them did the dishes toward the end of the party. If more people cooperate, things get done faster and there is more time for fun! Thanks, those who helped.
By the time that this photo was taken, 2 families had already gone home. So the photo doesn’t include all the families and the students. But we appreciate that they are hosting our students as members of their families. I also thank to all the hard work Ken and Jinsu did to find such nice families and matched with the students. Finally, it was a marvelous party, Frances! Thank you all, everyone! Let’s try hard for another week as well, students!