2016年 報告(2015年度プログラム)
2016年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告11-1
【2016年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告11-1】
■ Cabrillo College(アメリカ カリフォルニア州 サンタクルーズ) で、3/13〜3/28までの海外短期フィールドワークです。
この二人は今回始めて実習先になった、Discovery保育所のバンビニクラス(2歳〜3歳)の朝のサークルタイムからの参加です。この写真の左の隅に座っているが、去年文京に来て実習をおこなったEdnaarely です。なつかしいですね! 彼女は、自分自身もふじみ野幼稚園で日本語が全く分からない中実習をした経験をもっているので、この学生たちの不安な気持ちを理解してくれていました。「彼女たちのことは私に任せて」と言ってくれたのがたのもしかったです!
The students started having their internships at preschools today.
In this photo, two students were in the Bambini Program at Discovery Preschool. Discovery is new for us but from the minute we got in the school, we love the welcoming atmosphere! Ednaarely on the far left of this photo is one of the teachers in this class. She came to Bunkyo for her internship at Fujimino Kindergarten last summer. It was so nice to see her again! She knows how challenging it is for the students to do their internships without knowing the local language! I was so glad to hear her saying “I take care of them!”
She made this welcoming board for Bunkyo students. How nice! All teachers here were very friendly and supportive. Thank you, all!
This is a daily schedule for the Bambini program. Discovery is a child-centered environment using the Reggio Emilia philosophy to inspire learning. Children’s input, intelligence, and curiosities are honored every day. I wonder what the 4 students will be able to learn here for two days.
子どもたちが見ている水槽には「バナナなめくじ」がいました。20cm近くある大きな大きな黄色のなめくじです! かたつむりを「ふらっと」でも飼っていますが、なめくじはちょっと...。しかし、この「なめくじ」はこの地域にはよく出るようです。
Children were watching a banana slug in the container. It was very big, nearly 8 inches! We sometimes do keep snails in Japan, but never heard of keeping a slug! Banana slugs are common here?
In the preschool program at Discovery, this student sat surrounded by the children who wanted her to read a book. This is a children’s book but she had a hard time reading some words she didn’t know. However, the children were listening to her very well. Thank you for being so patient, everyone!