2016年 報告(2015年度プログラム)
2016年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告11-2
【2016年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告11-2】
■ Cabrillo College(アメリカ カリフォルニア州 サンタクルーズ) で、3/13〜3/28までの海外短期フィールドワークです。
Snack tables were ready for everyone. Children learn to sit to eat; picking a napkin and passing the stack of napkins to the next person, pouring milk by themselves, and getting a bagel with cream cheese or peanut butter. They were also learning better table manners as well.
This student was in the Pre-K class at Simcha Preschool which is located at Temple Beth El close to Cabrillo. She joined these children for block building.
It’s a nice day out! The playground for the children in the Pre-K class is spacious, so this girl was ready to ride a tricycle.
This is a preschool classroom for 3-year-olds. They were singing a seed song which helps children learn about the plant life cycle through the seasons. It’s also a fingerplay song, so it helps kids remember what plants need to grow. Bunkyo students would love to learn this song and bring it back home!
The children in this class can play outside here. In this class, there was an American student who was also a student teacher today. Male preschool teachers are not common here as well as in Japan. They say that male student teachers often have a unique experience while student teaching, based on children’s lack of experience with males as teachers.