2017年 報告(2016年度プログラム)
2017年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告06-1
【2017年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告06-1】
■ Cabrillo College(アメリカ カリフォルニア州 サンタクルーズ) での海外短期フィールドワークです。
今日で、最初の一週間が終わりました! 午前中は、JeanとMelisandeによる講義とワークショップを受けました。事前授業で勉強して来ていたのですが、カブリヨ大学の幼児教育理念をもっと具体的に知れたのはよかったですね。Jeanが去年文京に来て行ったレクチャーも聞いた人は誰もいなかったようですし、事前授業の話も覚えていた人はほとんどいなかったのは残念ですが、ここでしっかりと勉強して行ってください! 文京での教育理念に通じることが多くあったことにも気づいたでしょうか。「子どもの遊びの役割、家族支援、自主性を重んじるカリキュラム案、教師の意図と振り返り」など、これからの日本での勉強にも生かしてもらいたいものです。
TGIF! We’ve been here almost a week now! Students had a lecture/workshop this morning. The lecture/workshop taught by Jean and Melisande gave them the opportunity to hear the latest teaching methods and ECE philosophy at Cabrillo; Play based curriculum, individualized/emergent curriculum, child and family centered, conflict resolution, peace library, and pro diversity as well as intentional teaching and reflective teaching. The students found some differences in ECE between the two countries, but also found that there are a lot of similarities.
Preschoolers love music, so beginning the day with a cheerful song is a great way to start the day! So did they; it goes like this “Hello, Miho. How are you? Who is sitting next to you? Madoka. Hello, Madoka. How are you? Who is sitting next to you? Mai. Hello, Mai. How are you?…” The students learned this song today but they were able to sing along (Whew!). Singing also woke up those sleepy heads!
After the break, they held a workshop on teaching and learning resources. In this table, homemade books about families, classroom photo albums, family leaf project, and children’s portfolios, were displayed.
At the sensory table, students enjoyed making “Oohblech.” Oohblech is a liquid/solid. When you apply pressure, it becomes a solid, but when you release the pressure, it becomes a liquid. It is simply cornstarch and water, but what gooey fun!