2017年 報告(2016年度プログラム)
2017年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告06-2
【2017年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告06-2】
■ Cabrillo College(アメリカ カリフォルニア州 サンタクルーズ) での海外短期フィールドワークです。
こちらの文字・本読みコーナーには、本を読んで世界を知ろうという目的で、様々な本がピースライブラリーから選んで展示されていました。その中に、五味太郎の「みんなうんち」の英語版を、学生が見つけたようです。”Everybody poos”を大きな声で読んでいるところです!
At the early literacy table, some students found Taro Gomi’s book called “Everybody poos.” His books translated into English have been very popular here, Jean explained. The students were reading it loud!
They spent the last 15 minutes writing and reflecting on the lecture and workshop as well as observations they had had this week. For instance, they were asked to write down one concept that stood out in their mind, one idea that was impressive to them, and one idea that they will try in Japan. At the end, we shared their reflections. They will be written in the paper each student has to turn in after going back to Japan.
Jean and Melisande, thank you so much for teaching us the essence of ECE philosophy, sharing all your expertise to us, and demonstrating a lot of children’s songs! Students really enjoyed the many hands-on activities and having tea and cookies as well.
This year we had a few more people getting involved in the program steering committee because of possible future replacements for anyone. I greatly appreciate their continued support, enthusiasm, dedication and passion.