2017年 報告(2016年度プログラム)
2017年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告08-1
【2017年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告08-1】
■ Cabrillo College(アメリカ カリフォルニア州 サンタクルーズ) での海外短期フィールドワークです。
As usual, Frances held a house party inviting all host families. Some families didn’t make it but all students came and enjoyed meeting other families. In this photo, students help out with the preparation. A woman standing on the far left is Nancy who came to Japan las summer for her internship at Bunkyo. We were all pleased to see her here.
このパーティは持ち寄りパーティーで、各家族が何か一品持ってきますが、フランシスが主要な料理を用意します。テーブルの準備や料理や飲み物を取りやすいようにセッティングするのは、学生たちの仕事です。その様子を写真に撮りたかったのですが、いつもこういうポーズになります! さあ、仕事に戻ってお手伝い頑張りましょう。
It was a pot-luck party. Students were supposed to help Frances put all the food and drinks out on the table as a buffet. I wanted to take a photo of them being good helpers, but they always pose like this! Get back to work, girls!
Each family came in and left at a different time. Many students asked me when the party would start and end, and I answered, “You’ll see.” This was the first time that they went to a house party. They seemed to learn how casual it was and how sociable the people were. So eventually they tried to introduce themselves to someone new at the party.
Here is a Boys Club! Two male students participated in this program this year. Male preschool and elementary school teachers are very few in both Japan and America. In this photo, two male students and their host father and brother enjoyed a male bond with one another while their host mother was out of town today.
Our students are good at playing with children who never seem to get tired of playing! Preschoolers are the most energetic people on earth! Students, as future preschool professionals, you’ve learned that physical exercise is not only good for young children’s physical development, but for their cognitive development as well. Well, enjoy doing it!