2017年 報告(2016年度プログラム)
2017年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告14-1
【2017年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告14-1】
■ Cabrillo College(アメリカ カリフォルニア州 サンタクルーズ) での海外短期フィールドワークです。
Graduation ceremony was held in the Erbe’s house this year. It was usually held in the building on the hill at Cabrillo College, but this year all the buildings were closed because of the spring break. We were so fortunate for Wauhillau and Kevin’s kind offer to use their gorgeous house for us. Ken was the MC as usual and gave his opening remarks.
I gave a thank-you speech to express how sincerely grateful I was to all the caring families who supported my students and encouraged them to live happily for the two weeks.
Then Asako gave a short speech. She is a leader of the group and has been crying since the ceremony started because she was overwhelmed by emotion. Her uncontrolled sobbing prevented her from speaking clearly. But she finally managed to say something like this: Living in a happy family who is generous and patient helped her to adjust to her new environment. All the students had a very enjoyable experience living with their families. She also wanted to say this; “When we go back to Tokyo, we are going to study harder to become good teachers for the children in the future. But first of all, what we have to do in Japan is to work out to get fit and lose weight because we enjoyed your meals, ate too much, and now our stomach got bigger!”
カブリヨが春休み中ということもあり、いつも来てくれているカブリヨの関係者が来れなかったことは残念でしたが、ESLの講師であるシェリー先生が急きょ駆けつけてくれたのは幸運でした。シェリーからも一言お話をしてもらいました。最後にはみんなで練習をした”r”と”l”の発音練習を、もう一度再現してくれました。”Rolling rice ball”という”r”と”l”がたくさん入ったフレーズをみんなで発音しました。ちなみに、これは「おむずびころりん」の英語訳です。
Sherrie, an ESL instructor at Cabrillo, came to the ceremony as a representative of Cabrillo College. Each student received a certificate of the completion of the ECE internship program in Santa Cruz from her. She also gave us a few words. Her last lesson here was to repeat “The rolling rice ball” which is the title of a children’s story (Omusubi Koroin). Pronouncing [l] vs [r] sounds has traditionally been very difficult for many Japanese simply because the sounds do not exist in the Japanese language.
All the students received the Certificates as seen in the following pictures.