2018年 報告(2017年度プログラム)
2018年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告07-1
【2018年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告07-1】
■ Cabrillo College(アメリカ カリフォルニア州 サンタクルーズ) での海外短期フィールドワークです。
Jean and Melisande gave us a lecture and workshop on ECE, focusing on Cabrillo Education philosophy including the following: play based curriculum, individualized/emergent curriculum, child and family centered, conflict resolution, peace library, and pro diversity. We found their philosophy was similar to Bunkyo’s.
During the lecture, Jean and Melisande sometimes gave the students the opportunity to stand up and move their bodies. That was good because some kept nodding off at their desk! In this photo, they were shaking their bodies while singing about a stick of cold butter which was getting softer and finally melted away. This woke them up from sleep!
Melisande demonstrated some circle time activities. In this photo, she showed us how to use flannel board stories. Felt stories provide a more intriguing tool for sharing a rhyme or short story about a rainy day like today, for instance.
次に、「ミステリーバッグ」というのを見せて子どもたちに何が入っているのかを想像させて、出てきたのは「ネコのピート」だったという導入をします。その後、「ネコのピート;ぼくは白い靴が好き」という絵本読みに導きます。だんだん靴の色が変わっていく話ですが、最後は子どもたちに話の振り返り(feedback loop)をして、理解度を深めます。この本は、シリーズで出ている子どもに人気の本だそうです。学生たちはもっと話を聞きたかったようですね!
Next she showed so-called a mystery bag to the students and asked them to guess what‘s inside. She took something out of the bag and showed them. It was Pete the cat wearing white shoes. This led them to joint-reading of the book, “Pete the Cat; I love my white shoes”. At the end of reading, she asked them in a feedback loop such as what color of shoes he was wearing at first. The students seemed attracted to the story and wanted to listen to a whole story!