2019年 報告(2018年度プログラム)
2019年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告02
【2019年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告02】
■ Cabrillo College(アメリカ カリフォルニア州 サンタクルーズ) での海外短期フィールドワークです。
Ken kicked off the official program with the first orientation meeting. He asked the students about their first day’s experiences such as “What was the hardest thing that they’ve had” and “What made them pleased most.” Many said that they felt frustrated when they were not able to express what they wanted to say, while they felt pleased when the family tried hard to communicate with them by using translate apps. Then Ken introduced his magic word, SMART. Each alphabet of this word stands for the initial letter of the word meaning good conversational strategies. I hope the students remember the words!
二つ目のオリエンテーションは、ジンスさん(ケンさんの奥様)からでした。学生たちの多くが “Yes” やうなずきをどうしてもやってしがちなのですが、自分で違和感があったり、いやなときはしっかり “No” という態度と言葉で表現する仕方を教えてもらいました。誤解を招かないためにも練習しておく必要があります。なかなかマスターすることは難しいのですが、意識して練習してみましょう。
The second session of orientation was given by Jinsu She gave them hands-on lessons such as how to say “No” to the behavior that they don’t feel comfortable with and without feeling guilty. Since many students tend to say “yes” and nod a lot, her session was very practical and informative. In general, people aren’t born with good communication skills; like any other skill, they are learned through trial and error and repeated practice! So the students need to practice for the next two weeks here!
After the sessions, Cabrillo representatives including President and Acting Dean of Human Arts & Social Science, ECE faculty, and the staff gathered together to welcome us to Cabrillo. They really made us feel welcome from the very beginning. Then Kazuma, one of Bunkyo students, gave a thank-you speech expressing how sincerely grateful we are to the people who helped us along the way.
初めてのランチです。どれもおいしそう! 外で食べるランチはまた格別ですね。
The students had their first lunch outside. They looked delicious! Sunny spot is a place where they can enjoy lunch.
A campus tour was led by Sesario and current Cabrillo students and highlighted academic programs, resources, and student life. We spent about two hours with them exploring many interesting places on campus. Some Bunkyo students could be prospective students!