2019年 報告(2018年度プログラム)
2019年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告13
【2019年 海外短期フィールドワーク 児童発達学科 報告13】
■ Cabrillo College(アメリカ カリフォルニア州 サンタクルーズ) での海外短期フィールドワークです。
I will report about four students who went to Linscott Charter School for two days. Two were in Hummingbird and Rainbow classes, while other two were in Heart class.
レインボーでは、1年〜3年生までがグループになったり、お互いに助け合いながら勉強していましたが、外遊びではみんな一緒です。リーディングの時間には、学生たちも一緒になって読み聞かせをみたり、どちらかというと子どもたちに教えてもらって読んでいる感じでした! ここのクラスでも、固い椅子の代わりにバランスボールを使っている子どもは多かったのですが、この学生も試して座ってみましたが、ちょっと高さが合わないようですね。部分実習は日本の食べ物を使ったかるたをやって、大いにうけましたね。最後の写真は、たこ焼きを説明しているところですが、(けっして上手とは言えない)手描きの絵が子どもたちは気に入ってくれてよかった!
At Rainbow class for 1st , 2nd , and 3rd graders, these two students were having fun with the children outside. At reading time, a girl was reading to a Bunkyo student. Sitting on the balance ball during reading was quite an experience to her. They did their project; they introduced Japanese typical foods (e.g. Sushi, Green tea, Ramen, Octopus Dumpling) on the cards and later played the game called Karuta with those cards. To play the game, first lay food cards face up on the floor, listen to the reader reading a food name, then try to pick up the matching card. The one who has the most cards is the winner of the game. The children all enjoyed grabbing cards.
こちらはハートクラスの様子です。サークルタイムでは、時計の模型を使って時間の読み方を勉強しているところでした。彼女たちの部分実習では、こちらも手描きの「ももたろう」の紙芝居をやって、その後、紙でっぽうで鬼退治をするという手順でした。英語の読みは多少たどたどしかったのですが、えらいのは子どもたちです! みんなずっと食い入るように話を聞いてくれました! さらに、新聞紙で作ってもっていった紙でっぽうを鳴らせる子と、難しい子がでるなど対応に大変でしたが、一回鳴らした紙を元に戻すことができずに、それを戻してほしいと並ぶ長蛇の列ができるほどでした。先生からも感謝の言葉をもらってよかったですね!
Other two students were in the Heart room for the 1st graders. They were learning how to tell time. In their project, they did picture story show of Momotaro, the Peach Boy. The children sat listening attentively to the story. At the end of the story, the peach boy was brave enough to go to Demon island to conquer the demons there and they lived happily ever after. Then they showed Kamideppou, paper popgun or paper popper, that could be used at Demon Island. They made them out of newspaper. The children loved making them pop repeatedly! The teacher also liked it very much and asked the students how to make a paper popper. The last two photos showed having lunch with them outside.
At Linscott, today was a minimum day (released at 12:30 for all grades for Teachers Workday). So the students moved to a different elementary school, H.A. Hyde, to observe Spanish/English immersion K class. The children were very friendly and might have felt closer to the students because they all are learning English! They did Karuta here too.
This afternoon we had a second review session. The students went to different schools and different classes from those they did on Monday and Tuesday. Since they had some experiences staying in the classroom and doing their projects on previous days, some students said that they felt more comfortable talking with their teachers and their children even if their English was not that better. Practice makes perfect, but experience matters most! Also many mentioned that the role of teachers was essential and influential to classroom management. We discussed some classroom management strategies they had observed such as a variety of classroom rules for getting children’s attention and children focused.
今日で実習が終わりましたので、けんさんも久しぶりに顔を見せてくれました。皆さん晴れ晴れとしていますね! あと、明日の修了式を残すばかりです!
Ken joined us for a meeting because today was the last day of their internships. They all looked relieved and happy. Finally, tomorrow is a graduation day!
Good Shepherd Catholic school から、最後に撮った集合写真が送られてきました。皆さん、本当にありがとうございました。学生たちは、最後に校長先生から学校のロゴが入ったTシャツ、ボールペン、イヤホンをお土産にもらって大感激でした。
All the students really enjoyed staying in the classrooms for two days at Good Shepherd Catholic School. The teachers and their children, thank you so much for having us. Thanks to the principle, they got nice gifts from the school!