Internship Exchange Program with Cabrillo College 2014
Internship Exchange Program with Cabrillo College 2014 #5

They visited one of the classes, Junior Seminar, which will prepare students for thesis research in their senior year. Mireya and Melissa were answering to a question the students asked.

These were some questions Bunkyo students asked: What are some differences in ECE between Fujimino and Cabrillo? What surprised you most in your daily life in Japan?

In the afternoon, they visited Kodomonomori (“Children’s Woods”) which includes two facilities for preschool-age children in the outskirts of Tokyo. They learned a lot about their philosophy. Thanks to all, the director of the school and staff as well as volunteer Bunkyo students.

In return, they were singing Incy Wincy Spider. Children love learning about spiders and insects which they can see everywhere.