12月15日(土)に本学で日本「アジア英語」学会 (JAFAE)主催のシンポジウムが開催されます。
Public Symposium hosted by日本「アジア英語」学会 (JAFAE)
Saturday, December 15th, 2012
15:25-17:45 in Wing Hall (無料)
Development of global-minded human resources in Japanese companies and college English teaching
「日本企業のグローバル人材育成と大学英語教育」 (in English and Japanese)
Moderator Chair, Leah GILNER(文京学院大学)
Company needs and English as an international language: Clarification of the mission of college English teaching
YOSHIKAWA Hiroshi(中京大学)
One approach to the development of global-minded human resources
NISHIMURA Nobukatsu(文京学院大学)
Humor in business communication:
University and company needs for educational programs
OSHIMA Kimie(文京学院大学)
Current trends in training of global-minded resources in Japanese companies: Needs for international communication management
MASE Yukio (東京外国語センター)