
2017年1月27日(金) Jan 27th 英語語彙教育TESOL Lecture (Charles Browne博士) のお知らせ

Bunkyo Gakuin University TESOL Lecture Series


日時 Date: 1月27日(金)14:00〜16:00  2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Jan. 27th, 2017 
講義 Lecture:2:00~3:20 ミニ懇親会 Refreshments:3:30~4:00
場所 Venue: 文京学院大学本郷キャンパス Bunkyo Gakuin University, Hongo Campus
題目Title: High Frequency Vocabulary Lists & the Free Online Tools to Exploit Them
講演者 Speaker: Charles Browne (明治学院大学教授, Meiji Gakuin University)
使用言語 Language: 英語English最初と最後に日本語の短い説明あり 通訳なし
参加申し込み Registration: 不要 Unnecessary 
参加費 Fee: 無料 None
詳細 Details: 文京学院大学外国語学部HP参照 https://www.u-bunkyo.ac.jp/
概要 Abstract:
This presentation will introduce four free corpus-derived word lists that the presenter helped to create as well as demonstrate a large number of free online tools and resources for helping to use these lists for teaching, learning, materials creation as well as research and analysis.
The New General Service List (NGSL) is a list of core vocabulary words for EFL learners and is a major update of West’s (1953) GSL. Based on a carefully selected 273 million word sample from the Cambridge English corpus, the 2800+ words of the NGSL offer between 90-92% coverage of most texts of general English. The New Academic Word List (NAWL) is derived from a 288 million word corpus of academic textbooks, lectures and texts from a wide range of sources. When combined with the NGSL, the NAWL’s 960+ core academic words provide approximately 92% coverage for most academic texts. The TOEIC Service List (TSL) is a brand new corpus-derived list of words which occur frequently on TOEIC exams. When combined with the NGSL, the TSL’s 1000 word provide an astonishing 99% coverage of words that occur on TOEIC exams and TOEIC test-preparation materials. The Business English List (BSL) is based on a corpus of 64 million words of business texts, newspapers, journals and websites and when combined with the NGSL, the BSL’s 1700 words provides approximately 97% coverage of most general business texts.
This interactive workshop will give a brief background on how the four lists were developed and then move on to introduce and demonstrate the large and growing number of free online tools we’ve developed (or helped to develop) for these lists such as interactive flashcards, diagnostic tests, games, vocabulary profiling, text creation tools, and more.
講師紹介 Bio Data: 
30年以上の日本滞在中に、研究論文、書籍、教科書など多数執筆。コーパス(言語データを大量に集積したもの)に基づき、the New General Service List (NGSL、英語学習者一般のための語彙リスト), the New Academic Word List (NAWL、学術的な英語のための語彙リスト), TOEIC Service List (TSL、TOEICのための語彙リスト)、 Business Service List (BSL、ビジネスのための語彙リスト)や、そのリストに基づいた指導・学習・教材作成に役立つ多種多様な無料オンライン・ツールを作成。さらには、研究に基づいた学習および分析ウエブサイト・ツールを開発。世界中で無数のプレゼンテーション、セミナー、実践的ワークショップを実施し、以上の有益な情報を教員、著者、学習者、研究者へ周知することに懸命に取り組んでいる
Dr. Browne is Professor of Applied Linguistics & TESOL and Head of the EFL Teacher-Training Program at Meiji Gakuin University. He is a specialist in Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition and Extensive Reading, especially as they apply to online learning environments, and has written dozens of research articles, books, and textbooks over his 30 years in Japan. In addition to his recent work in creating several important new corpus-based word lists for second language learners known as the New General Service List (NGSL), the New Academic Word List (NAWL), TOEIC Service List (TSL) and Business Service List (BSL) and a wide range of free online tools to teach, learn and create texts based on these lists, he has also developed several research-based language learning and analysis tools including ER and EL-focused websites such as the OGTE (Online Graded Text Editor), ER-Central, EnglishCentral, etc, and works hard to share this knowledge with teachers, authors, students and researchers through countless presentations, seminars and hand-on workshops around the world.