
Gary V. Irelandあいるらんど ぎゃりー (Gary V. Ireland)
担当科目 演習テーマ

Content-Based English Oral Communication 2 Communicative English 2 Listening & Speaking 2 Listening & Speaking 1 Business English 2

所属学部 外国語学部

The design and creation of CALL-integrated strategies, materials and language courses
The development and evaluation of different technology-based learning formats
The evaluation of the impact of smartphones and tablet computers on language learning
The creation of language learning applications for smartphones and tablet computers
The development of English language teaching and learning in South East Asia


Learning to communicate in English is not as difficult as you imagine. If you try hard, you can do it! We are looking forward to helping you.


English as a Foreign Language―Methods and Materials
(CALL) Computer Assisted Language Learning
English language learning materials development
Public Speaking – Making Presentations


Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering


Leeds Polytechnic


Chiba University of Technology (千葉工業大学大学)
Tokyo College of Medico Pharmaco Technology (メディコファーマ東京工業大学大学)
Tokyo Rissho Women’s College (東京立正女子大学)
Wayo Women’s University (和洋女子大学)
Otsuma Women’s University (大妻女子大学)
Bunkyo Gakuin University and College (文京学院大学および短期大学)


Bunkyo Vocabulary Handbook. 2002. Bunkyo Gakuin.
Let’s Talk (1st Edition). 2003. James Alexander Press.
Let’s Talk (2nd Edition). 2004. James Alexander Press.
The English Course Book 1(1st Edition). 2005. The English Company.
The English Course Book 1(2nd Edition). 2006. The English Company.
The English Course Book 1(3rd Edition). 2007. The English Company.
The English Course Writing Book 1 (1st Edition). 2008. The English Company.
The English Course – Speaking Book 1 (1st Edition). 2009. The English Company.
The English Course – Speaking Starter (1st Edition). 2010. The English Company.

■Academic papers
Eclecticism: Balancing Communicative Language Teaching with the Japanese College/University. 2000. Journal of Bunkyo Gakuin University.
Are Communicative Classes Being Tested Communicatively? 2002. Journal of Bunkyo Gakuin University.
Designing a Complete EFL Course for the Modern Japanese University/College Environment. 2007. Journal of Bunkyo Gakuin University.
Does Using The English Course Lead to Improvement in Students’ Test-taking Skills and Results? 2008. Journal of Bunkyo Gakuin University.
Does Using The English Course Lead to Improvement in Students’ Test-taking Skills and Results? – 2009 update. 2009. Journal of Bunkyo Gakuin University.
The Impact of the iPad and iPhone on Education. 2010. Journal of Bunkyo Gakuin University.
Diversity and Change in ESL Teaching in Cambodia. 2010. Bunkyo Gakuin University Joint Research Journal.
Diversity and Change in ESL Teaching in The Greater Mekong Region. 2011.
Bunkyo Gakuin University Joint Research Journal.
Dealing With Change in Student English Language Ability. 2012. Journal of Bunkyo Gakuin University.
Teaching Teachers to Teach: An Investigation of Teacher Training Programs in Cambodia. 2012. Bunkyo Gakuin University Joint Research Journal.

Bringing CALL to the communicative classroom. 2000. JALT PAN-SIG CONFERENCE, Chiba.
An Introduction to The English Course. 2009. JALT CALL-SIG CONFERENCE, Tokyo.
Introducing The English Course. 2009. JALT PAN-SIG CONFERENCE, Chiba.
Diversity and Change in ESL Teaching in Cambodia. 2010. Bunkyo Gakuin University Joint Research Colloquium.
Diversity and Change in ESL Teaching in The Greater Mekong Region. 2011. Bunkyo Gakuin University Joint Research Colloquium.
CALL in the communicative classroom – An introduction to The English Course.
2011. ETJ Tokyo Expo in Association with JALT.
Teaching Teachers to Teach: An Investigation of Teacher Training Programs in Cambodia. 2012. Bunkyo Gakuin University Joint Research Colloquium.
From Paper Texts to Digital formats. 2012. JALT CALL-SIG CONFERENCE, Osaka.


JALT (Japan Association of Language teachers)
EUROCALL (European Association of Computer Assisted Language Learning)
INTERNATIONAL CALL (Linguapolis, University of Antwerpen, Belgium)

EUROCALL 2001. Nijmegen, Holland.
INTERNATIONAL CALL 2002. Antwerpen University, Belgium.
EUROCALL 2003. University of Limerik, Ireland.
INTERNATIONAL CALL 2004. Antwerpen University, Belgium.
PHONETICS (PTLC) 2005. University College London, UK.
INTERNATIONAL CALL 2006. Antwerpen University, Belgium.
EUROCALL 2007. University of Ulster, Northern Ireland.
INTERNATIONAL CALL 2008. Antwerpen University, Belgium.
PHONETICS (PTLC) 2009. University College London, UK.
CAMTESOL 2010. Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
INTERNATIONAL CALL 2010. Antwerpen University, Belgium.
CAMTESOL 2011. Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
DATA ANALYSIS WORKSHOP 2011. Antwerpen University, Belgium.
CAMTESOL 2012. Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
EUROCALL 2012. Gothenberg, Sweden.
