English Skills courses
研究課題 (主なテーマ) |
Research – Practice gap Note-taking in CLIL/EMI classrooms Interlanguage pragmatics Language teaching materials |
ひとこと | Ten two-letter words: |
専門分野 | TESOL |
学位 | Doctor of Education in TESOL MA in Teaching English as a Foreign/Second Language |
最終学歴 | Anaheim University University of Birmingham |
主な経歴 | J. F. Oberlin University |
研究業績・ 外部資金その他 競争的資金の 受入・採択 |
Research Papers Exploring the Research-Practice Gap amongst Teachers of English and Program Leaders in University Language Programs in Japan (Doctoral Dissertation) 2024. Saying it ‘just right’: Teaching pragmatics for success in ELT. ELT Journal. 2019. With J. Siegel and M. Firth. Learner Output and Listener Perceptions of Compliments on Study Abroad. Proceedings of the 49th (2017) Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics. With J. Siegel. Pragmatic development and study abroad: Building and maintaining competence. In TESOL voices: Insider accounts of classroom life – Higher Education. Stewart, T. (Ed.) TESOL Press. (2017). With J. Siegel and M. Firth. Message sent. Message-received? Teachers and target community members decide. Innovation in Language Teaching. T. & F. Online.(2016). With J. Siegel. Teach your students a lesson about threats. In Back to Basics: Filling the Gaps in Pragmatic Teaching Materials. JALT Pragmatics SIG. Fujimoto, D. & Tatsuki, D. (Eds). (2016). With J. Siegel and M. Firth. Recent Academic Presentations Effects of note-taking instruction on EFL students’ note-taking skills and lecture comprehension. 56th British Association for Applied Linguistics Annual Conference. United Kingdom, 2023. Preparing Students for EMI Courses: Notetaking in academic lectures. JALT PanSIG Conference. Japan. 2023. Note-taking in Academic Lectures. World CLIL International Conference. The Hague, Netherlands. 2022. Does TESOL teacher motivation matter? Values vs. rewards. Korea TESOL International Conference. Korea. 2022. How to teach notetaking in ELT: Reports from action research. AILA International Conference. Netherlands. 2021. |
所属学会・ 国際会議等への参加 |
Japan Association of Language Teachers |
共同研究・ 在外研究・ 国内研究・ 社会的活動 |