研究課題 (主なテーマ) |
Community outreach and intercultural communication through authentic English encounters in Japan. |
ひとこと | |
専門分野 | Education: Curriculum and teaching |
学位 | Doctor of Education |
最終学歴 | Nova Southeastern University |
主な経歴 | JET Programme: ALT |
研究業績・ 外部資金その他 競争的資金の 受入・採択 |
Gough, W.M., Snyder, B., Yanase, C. & Skeates, C. (2024). Vulnerability and Resiliance During Emergency Remote Teaching: Voices of Part-time University English Teaches in Japan: Candlin & Mynard Moroi, T., Gough, W.M., Broadbridge, J. Asa, K., & Kataoka, S. (2024). Evaluating Technology using the TPAK Framework. 文京学院大学総合研究所紀要第24号 Gough, W.M., Moroi, T. & Broadbridge, J. (2023). The Process of Updating the BGU 1st and 2nd Year English Curriculum Stage 2: Moving Forward. 文京学院大学外国語学部紀要第22号 Moroi, T, _Gough, W.M. Broadbridge, J. & Asa, K. (2022). Beginning the Process of Analyzing the BGU Faculty of Foreign Studies’ 1st and 2nd year English Curriculum. 文京学院大学外国語学部紀要第22 Gough, W. M. (2022). Reflections on the Effectiveness of online Writing Classes. 文京学院大学総合研究所紀要第22号 Gough, W. M. (2018). Student perceptions of intercultural communication through community outreach projects in Japan (Doctoral dissertation). Miami, USA: Nova Southeastern University. Gough, W. M. (2005). A Writing Consultant’s Handbook for Working with International Students (Master’s Exit Project). Colorado, USA: Colorado State University Gough, W. M. (2020). Community outreach projects as a medium for independent learning. Independent Learning Association Proceedings. Snyder, B., Yanase, C., Skeates, C., & Gough, W. M. (2021). Reflections on What we Learned While Researching Teacher Wellness During ERT. Explorations in Teacher Development Special Issue.
所属学会・ 国際会議等への参加 |
American Association of Applied Linguistics |
共同研究・ 在外研究・ 国内研究・ 社会的活動 |