アメリカ留学体験インタビュー Vol.1
文京学院大学では様々な留学プログラムがありますが、今回はアメリカ合衆国ミネソタ州にある姉妹校「College of St. Benedict (CSB)/St. John’s University (SJU)」に交換留学をした文京生にアメリカ人チューターがインタビューを行いました。
Q1 どうしてアメリカのCSB/SJUに留学しようと思いましたか?
Why did you decide to study abroad in America at CSB/SJU?
I had a chance to study abroad in New Zealand when I was in high school and I learned about the English language there, so I knew I wanted to have another experience at a university where I could learn even more English. My friends had studied abroad at CSB/SJU in the past and they had really good experiences, that inspired me to want to go there.
Q2 CSB/SJUに到着した時の最初の感想は?
What were your first thoughts when you arrived at CSBSJU?
CSB/SJU was very spacious and much bigger than the BGU campus, so I was worried if I could memorize all of the buildings on campus.
Q3 カルチャーショックはありましたか?どんなことが印象的でしたか?
Did you experience any culture shock? What were some experiences you remember?
I didn’t experience much culture shock, but I was surprised by the many students who raised their hands in class. They were very outspoken and I wasn’t used to that in Japanese classes.
Q4 授業や宿題はどうでしたか?難しかったですか?
Comment on the classes and homework. Were they difficult?
The classes were difficult and there was too much reading. We often had a lot of discussions in class and I was expected to speak often and contribute my ideas. At first, I didn’t understand a lot of the conversation. I gradually got more comfortable and tried to speak more often and ask more questions. We had less time to finish our homework, but my professors reminded me that what was most important was understanding the material.
Q5 留学を考えている方に何かアドバイスは?
Do you have advice for future students who will study abroad?
3つアドバイスがあります。I have three points of advice.
Make friends and have fun with them.
Learn as much as you can.
Don’t get sick and don’t build up stress.