国際連携教育プログラム ~海外留学生の活動紹介~
2013年は、セント・ベネディクト/セント・ジョンズ大学 (アメリカ)から14名、マラ工科大学(マレーシア)から2名、
The Multi-Lateral Exchange Program is a unique and rewarding program that promotes a true exchange between students attending colleges and universities worldwide. The duration of the program is from August to December 2013. During this year’s program, BGU is hosting 14 students from the College of St. Benedict/St. John’s University (Minnesota, USA), 2 students from Universiti Teknologi MARA (Selangor, Malaysia), 2 students from St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo (Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria), 1 student from Ankara University (Ankara, Turkey), and 1 student from Kanya Campus Pokhara (Pokhara, Nepal). These students are living in an International Dorm nearby the Hongo campus and are participating in a variety of BGU courses as well as actively learning through excursions. Some highlights of the program include a trip to Karuizawa, participation in the local Nezu shrine festival, a home-stay weekend, BGU’s University Festival, a visit to the Ghibli museum, and a visit to Japanese Parliament.
~Karuizawa Trip, September 7-9, 2013~
Recently, 21 students from the BGU Multi-Lateral Exchange Program had the opportunity to take a weekend trip to Karuizawa. The cool weather and beautiful scenery of the Karuizawa area was a refreshing change of pace for the students, who had just completed their first week of classes at Bunkyo Gakuin University Hongo Campus. In Karuizawa, the students enjoyed a wide variety of activities, ranging from a Lava Park hike to soba noodle making. The first stop of the trip was Kaikoen park. The park is situated in the same spot that the ancient Komoro Castle stood during the Edo Period; visitors can still see remains of the castle walls and gate. Next, students learned how to make Soba noodles from the noodle experts at Kusabue. The students were fortunate enough to be able to eat the noodles that they had just made. The exchange students also made a trip to Onioshidashi-en, a lava park on the volcanic Mt. Asama. Later, the group traveled to the nearby Shiraito-no-Taki, a beautiful waterfall consisting of water that travels all the way from Mt. Asama.
~Nezu Shrine Festival, September 20-22, 2013~
After studying Shinto in class for 3 weeks, the Multi-Lateral exchange students were able to participate in the Nezu Shrine festival by helping a local parish carry their portable shrine. The festival was a great way for the students to cap off their previous 3 weeks of study. Despite the hard work, the group enjoyed being a part of the festival atmosphere and wearing the traditional festival clothing