

新・文明の旅 日本文化教育プログラム「和楽器の魅力を探る」第二回/The Second Traditional Japanese musical concert




On Sunday, November 29, we had the wonderful opportunity to witness a Wagakki performance. A group of 12 students and many university staff members gathered in the new Youth House to listen and learn about this Japanese art form. Not only was there a performance, but there was also background and historical information given to us by the performers, and we were even able to try to play the instruments ourselves.
11月29日(日)に和楽器の演奏を見る素晴らしい機会がありました。12名の学生と職員がYouth Houseに集まり、日本の伝統的な和楽器を鑑賞し学びました。今回はただ音楽を聞くだけでなく、演奏者の方々に楽器の歴史も教えてもらい、自分たちで楽器を演奏する機会もありました。

DSC04081.JPGEach instrument provides an integral part of the sound of the music. The drum that we were allowed to try to play is the small one, held by Rokon san, the middle performer from the right. After the performance, Rokon san gave us a lot of information about each instrument and how it is played.


On the whiteboard, he showed us how they play different types of notes on the drum. Each marking represents a different sound, made by hitting the drum in a different way or in a different place. The performers demonstrated their skill by playing these notes that he made up on the spot perfectly, and very quickly.



When it was our turn to try, we were given much easier notes, but it still required practice and precision. It was more difficult than we expected to hit the drum in the correct way. With the guidance of the professionals, we were able to perform a short song for the audience.

After our performance, the students were able to ask questions about the wagakki and overseas performance etc. It was a very fun and interesting experience! A special thanks to the performers for joining us and for this opportunity to learn from them.