研究課題 (主なテーマ) |
腸疾患における機能解析 |
ひとこと | 大学生活を有意義に過ごして下さい。そして、たくさんの友人をつくって下さい。 |
専門分野 | 薬理学、生理学;平滑筋および非筋細胞収縮の細胞内情報伝達機構 |
学位 | 薬学博士 |
最終学歴 | 昭和大学大学院博士課程 |
主な経歴 | 昭和大学薬学部助手、University of Cincinnati研究員、東京大学農学部産学官連携研究員 |
研究業績・ 外部資金その他 競争的資金の 受入・採択 |
Sakai Y, Hashimoto M, Enkhjargal B, Nobe H, Iwamoto T, Horie I,Yanagimoto K,. Effects of Krill-derived phospholipid-enriched n-3 fatty acids on Ca2+ regulation system in cerebral arteries from ovariectomized rats. Life Sciences., 100, 18-24, 2014 Nobe K, Nobe H, Yoshida H, Kolodney MS, Paul RJ, Honda K., Rho A and the Rho kinase pathway regulate fibroblast contraction : Enhanced contraction in constitutive active Rho A fibroblast cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun., 399, 292-299, 2010 Hori M, Nobe H, Horiguchi K, Ozaki H., MCP-1 targeting inhibits muscularis macrophage recruitment and intestinal smooth muscle dysfunction in colonic inflammation. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol., 294, C391-401, 2008 Nobe K., Suzuki H., Sakai Y., Nobe H., Paul R. J. and Momose K., Glucose-dependent enhancement of spontaneous phasic contraction is suppressed in diabetic mouse portal vein: Association with diacylglycerol-protein kinase C pathway. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 309, 1263-1272, 2004. Nobe K., Miyatake M., Nobe H., Sakai Y., Takashima J., Momose K. Novel diacylglycerol kinase inhibitor selectively suppressed an U46619-induced enhancement of mouse portal vein contraction under high glucose conditions. Brit. J. Pharmacol., 143, 166-178, 2004. Nobe H., Nobe K. and Paul R. J., Fibroblast fiber contraction: Role of C- and Rho kinase activation by thromboxane A2. Am. J. Physiol., 285, C1411-C1419, 2003. Nobe K., Suzuki H., Nobe H., Sakai Y. and Momose K., High-glucose enhances a thromboxane A2-induced aortic contraction mediated by an alteration of phosphatidylinositol turnover. J. Pharmacol. Sci., 92, 267-268, 2003. Nobe K., Sakai Y., Nobe H. and Momose K., Dysfunction of aorta involves different patterns of intracellular signaling pathways in diabetic rats. Eur. J. Pharmacol., 471, 195-204, 2003. Nobe K., Sakai Y., Nobe H., Paul R. J. and Momose K., Enhancement effect under high-glucose conditions on U46619-induced spontaneous phasic contraction in mouse portal vein. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 304, 1129-1142, 2003. Nobe H., Nobe K., Fazal F., de Lanerolle P. and Paul R. J., Rho kinase mediates serum-induced contraction in fibroblast fibers independent of myosin LC20 phosphorylation. Am. J. Physiol. 284, C599-C606, 2003. Nobe K., Nobe, H., Obara, K. and Paul, R. J. Preferential role intracellular calcium stores in activation of NIH 3T3 fibroblast contraction. J. Physiol. (London), 529, 669-679, 2000. Obara K., Nobe K., Nobe H., Kolodeney M. S., Lanerolle P. and Paul R. J. Non muscle motility: differential effects of microtuble and microfilament disruption on force, velocity, stiffness and [Ca2+]i in a reconstituted fibroblast fiber. Am. J. Physiol., 279, C785-C796, 2000. |
所属学会・ 国際会議等への参加 |
日本薬理学会(評議員)、日本生理学会、日本平滑筋学会 |
共同研究・ 在外研究・ 国内研究・ 社会的活動 |